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Unintelligent Response to Intelligent Design

The folks at report that David Coppedge is litigating against NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab for harassment and threats of termination.  His offense: talking to co-workers about Intelligent Design.  I’m not a big fan of the ID arguments, and it seems that Mr. . . . . Continue Reading »

Believers at the Net

The secularist criticism of Christianity and of religious belief in general is one of continuing interest to our readers, judging from the discussions just of two recent “On the Square” articles, David B. Hart’s The Perniciously Persistent Myths of Hypatia and the Great Library . . . . Continue Reading »

SHS Funnies

I recently complained about the ludicrous push to induce President Obama to release his inner rage to show he “cares.”  It worked, as he has now said the A-word on TV.  (Sigh.)  Here’s how they did . . . . Continue Reading »

A Queer Way of Looking at Ecology

Last month I received the latest issue of PMLA (the Publication of the Modern Language Association) that included a lead article with the title, “Queer Ecology.” Why I’m still a member, I’m not sure. What is queer ecology? Well, it’s the latest literary theory that . . . . Continue Reading »

An Everyman Non-American Non-Saint

In today’s “On the Square” essay, theologian Stephen Webb looks at the career of a man called “an American saint” who was, the man’s latest biographer says, neither an American nor a saint. The Methodist leader Francis Asbury was The First American Everyman . . . . . Continue Reading »

Bleg: Some N.T. References Sought

One week from Saturday, I’m giving an oral final/homily to a (late vocations) N.T. class that I’m taking. I had a suggestion to do my homily concentrating on the topic of tolerance. Right now I’m thinking of starting (and wrapping up?) with a look at the section in John in which . . . . Continue Reading »



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