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Catholic Yoga—with the Beautiful Shoes

My friend Manolo the Shoeblogger—one of the great Internet prose stylists of our time— has an idea : It is Monday, and coming back from the Pilates this morning you ran into your old frenemy, Jenny, who described for you at great and exhausting length her new workout regime: the form of . . . . Continue Reading »

Smuggled In Doctrines

We need to stop smuggling “comprehensive doctrines” into our public discourse, because that deceptive refusal to admit metaphysics distorts and corrupts it, writes senior editor R. R. Reno in Metaphysics and the Common Good , today’s “On the Square” article. In . . . . Continue Reading »

Spare change

Unsubstantiated rumour has it that a group of atheists and agnostics wants to remove the motto IN GOD WE TRUST from American coins and replace it with CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE . . . . Continue Reading »

Reason, Revelation, Politics

Over at Times and Seasons, a blog mostly for Mormons, where I am guest, I have posted some thoughts on a “third-order” question that lies behind or underneath the most vital (I think) contemporary political issues.  Come on over and join the fray, if you dare. . . . . Continue Reading »

No Clemency

As expected, the parole board in Utah has unanimously rejected Ronnie Lee Gardner’s appeal for commutation of his death sentence. I’ve written on Gardner this week , part of my ongoing attempt to build a political-theory argument against the barbaric and unnecessary punishment. We live . . . . Continue Reading »

It Just Needed to be Somebody Real

Particularly for pastors: a friend who pastors a small Evangelical church nearby writes in response to   Memorial Gratitude , my reflection on the difficulty some of us have in feeling the kind of gratitude that soldiers deserve: I tried something in church on the Sunday before Memorial . . . . Continue Reading »



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