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Withheld Writing

“For many of us who love the act of writing—even when we are writing against a deadline with an editor waiting for the copy—there is something monastic about the process, a confrontation with one’s thoughts that has a value apart from the proximity or even perhaps the . . . . Continue Reading »

Proof That God Hates Kitsch

“Touchdown Jesus” statue destroyed by lightning : Touchdown Jesus, more properly known as King of Kings, was one of southwest Ohio’s best known — and biggest — landmarks: A fixture at the Solid Rock Church by Monroe, Ohio since it was completed in 2004, it had a 42-foot . . . . Continue Reading »

The Hole in Our Gospel

Kevin DeYoung reviews Richad Stearns’s The Hole in Our Gospel—the Evangelical Publishing Association’s 2010 Book of the Year.Kevin prefaces his review in this way:There are many more positives I could highlight about Stearns and his book than get included in my piece. The nature of . . . . Continue Reading »

The Celibate’s Definitive Yes

Priestly celibacy, Pope Benedict XVI recently told a gathering of priests, as reported by the Italian journalist Sandro Magister, is an anticipation “of the world of the resurrection.” It is the sign “that God exists, that God is part of my life, that I can base my life on Christ, . . . . Continue Reading »



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