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Is MoveOn Moving On From Petraeus Criticism?

In a post yesterday I wondered whether, which took out a full-page ad in the New York Times titled “ General Petraeus or General Betray Us ”, felt betrayed by the news that the man they endorsed as a candidate has appointed a man they say was “cooking the books for the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Pathos of the MFA

Maureen Mullarkey is a painter who writes on art and culture (she recently wrote the OTS feature ” The Popular Myth of  Convivencia “). Earlier this week she received an offer to teach an MFA class, accepted it, and resigned— all in the same day : Yesterday, I opened my . . . . Continue Reading »

Pro Life Women Are Feminists Too

It has always seemed to me that feminism was about women deciding what they want to do and be.  The hitch has been the abortion issue. The first (what we now call) feminists, who cut their advocacy teeth in Abolitionism that sought to expand membership in the moral community, were generally . . . . Continue Reading »

Bad Books for Kids

Touchstone has made available online David Mills’ article ” Bad Books for Kids ,” which won first place in the practical theology category of the Associated Church Press competition : You may be surprised, if you don’t keep up on these things, and few of us have any reason . . . . Continue Reading »



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