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Best Dads in TV and Film

[Note: Every Friday on First Thoughts we host a discussion about some aspect of pop culture. Today’s theme is father in television and movies. Have a suggestion for a topic? Send them to me at] Father’s Day was last Sunday, but it’s never too late to . . . . Continue Reading »

The Apologetic Classics

I’ve been away at a writers conference teaching a class on writing apologetics like C. S. Lewis, G. K. Chesterton, and Dorothy Sayers, and the other Christian rock stars of the last century. Some students have asked for recommendations, and I have many, but readers of “First . . . . Continue Reading »

World’s Worst Dressed Priests

The news agency Rome Reports has compiled a short video highlighting “ The worst-dressed priests in the world .” The images (amusing and appalling all) are from a blog called Bad Vestments (motto: Because Christian Worship Is Not Supposed to Be About You). The first-ever Bad Vestments . . . . Continue Reading »



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