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The Case Against Parental Happiness

Recent social science research suggest that kids drain their parents’ happiness. But Tony Woodlief wonders if a parent’s happiness isn’t overrated: Any parent will tell you children are difficult, and they wear you out, and they likely will just break your heart in the end. And . . . . Continue Reading »

The Conflict Over and In Ukraine

Sandro Magister reports that Ukraine Plays Referee Between the Pope and the Patriarch of Moscow . He writes that the relationships between the Church of Rome and the larger part of the Orthodoxy, that is the Church of Russia, have definitely improved. Both agree in addressing together the major . . . . Continue Reading »

Partly Understood Chastity

Former Sexually Free Woman Discovers Chastity continues to be a popular entry in the man-bites-dog genre, the latest example being’s “Chastened”: The Joy of No Sex , an interview with the author of a book about not having sex for a year. The interviewer is quick to . . . . Continue Reading »


Oh, my. It’s the thirtieth anniversary of the movie Airplane! And what shall we say, except that genius comes as it will, and you can’t take it apart to find out how it works without destroying it. Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel? . . . . Continue Reading »

This Weekend in Evangelicalism

This weekend the wife and I are in the area of Pittsburgh, PA.  We haven’t had a private get-away for several years now, and this came up as a good weekend to relax.   So we went to some thrift and antique shops.   Got a few trinkets for our sons, but nothing for . . . . Continue Reading »



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