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The 100 Greatest Children’s Toys

[Note: Every Friday on First Thoughts we host a discussion about some aspect of pop culture. Today’s theme is greatest children’s toys. Have a suggestion for a topic? Send them to me at] Although the topic for last week was faddish objects from childhood , the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Perils of Clericalism

Mark Shea penned an excellent primer on clericalism yesterday at Catholic Exchange , identifying it as a prominent culprit in the “cover-up” mentality among some members of the episcopacy. While the Church does not operate on the principle of vox populi, vox Dei , Shea argues, neither has . . . . Continue Reading »

The Occupational College

A “mammoth analysis of jobs data being released today by the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce” bears on the subject of David Goldman’s Americans Who’ll Never Work Again , though it deals with a different group of people facing long-term . . . . Continue Reading »

Empowering But Not Necessarily Christian

“If you look past the Bible-study scenes, young-adult novels from evangelical authors and publishers are offering their young Christian readers a surprisingly empowering guide to adolescence,” claims a writer for Slate. (The writer is not so positive about them as this opening claim . . . . Continue Reading »

They Need Jobs

“How many Americans will never work again? Perhaps a lot,” notes David P. Goldman in today’s “On the Square” article, Americans Who’ll Never Work Again .  Using worrying figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, he draws out the implications of our . . . . Continue Reading »



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