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Two Wills in God: Not Just for Calvinists

In this discussion, one of the commenters makes the following argument against Reformed views of divine providence:On a related topic, I still don’t quite get Reformed theology. God desires all to repent, but He doesn’t desire all to repent. How does one believe something one is . . . . Continue Reading »

Another Problem for the Church?

Italians newspapers are reporting intensified investigative interest in Cardinal Sepe of Naples. (For English language reporting, see a recent article in the Irish Times .) Cardinal Sepe may, perhaps, be a true son of southern Italy, using his position to distribute goodies funded by the massive . . . . Continue Reading »

A Month of Abstinence

Aids scientists call for month of sex abstinence , reports the Guardian .  (Thanks to Worldwide Religious News for the link.) Leading experts fighting the world’s worst Aids epidemic have called on African leaders to head a month-long sexual abstinence campaign, saying it could reduce . . . . Continue Reading »

Second Links — 7.14.10

New Scientist explores  The Secrets of Laughter , and finds that “laughter is an unexpectedly serious business. ” Observing the human animal in its natural habitat — the shopping mall — they documented 1200 instances of laughter, and found that only 10 to 20 per cent of . . . . Continue Reading »

About First Links, and Second Links Too

You will have noticed a new feature below, called First Links , pointing you to stories we think you might find of interest. Later this afternoon we’ll be posting a second stage called, naturally enough, “Second Links,” and occasionally in the evenings we will post a “Third . . . . Continue Reading »

I Write Like …

The web tool at ” I Write Like . . . ” claims to use a statistical analysis tool that analyzes a person’s word choice and writing style and compares them to those of famous writers. Based on my latest On the Square article, it concluded: I write like Stephen King I Write Like by . . . . Continue Reading »

Friends in Babylon

In the latest issue of Touchstone , William Saunders reviews Fr. Neuhaus’ last book American Babylon: Notes of Christian Exile : This book, written with all the characteristic wit and insight of Neuhaus at his best, is an extended reflection on, and examination of, what it means to be a . . . . Continue Reading »



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