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How To Read Between The Lines

When asked to rate the qualities they admire most, women often claim to value honesty above all else. This is, of course, rather ironic since honesty is the trait they least tolerate in men. Admitting that, yeah, now that she’s mentioned it, she does look kind of chubby in that dress, will . . . . Continue Reading »

Argentina a Nazi Nation?

That’s the opinion of Bruce Wilson of American’s United for the Separation of Church and State. His opinion is formed from two components. The first is his opinion of a decision in Hawaii by governor Linda Lingle:As she announced her veto of Hawaii’s Civil Unions Bill HB444 on July . . . . Continue Reading »

From Secular Neutrality to Open Hostility

On the heels of the implementation of a new abortion law in Spain that declares abortion as a right, allows unrestricted abortions performed during the first fourteen weeks of a pregnancy, and lowers the age of required parental consent for abortion to fifteen, Archbishop Francisco Gil Hellín . . . . Continue Reading »

An Indecent Proposal?

One of the first images that comes to mind at mention of a “nontraditional proposal” might be a couple’s female half making the first move, proposing marriage. But in an interview the other day, actress Angelina Jolie took the logic a step further, announcing that the only nuptial . . . . Continue Reading »

Second Links — 7.15.10

A database of public university salaries , with the figures for some administrators’ salaries that still startle us outsiders. The New York Post offers what one of our editors describes as an almost Eberstadtian take on pornography . (The reference being to Mary Eberstadt’s The Weight . . . . Continue Reading »

The Down Side of Perfectionism

A new study reveals that perfectionists die earlier than those who aren’t perfectionists. According to the report: While trying to be perfect can also have health benefits, the mental stress for perfectionists when things don’t go as planned and their unwillingness to ask others for help . . . . Continue Reading »

Hitchens on Pullman on Jesus

A few readers of my Prayers for Christopher Hitchens made the astounding charges that praying for him, and for his conversion as well as his deliverance from cancer — which are both forms of healing — is uncharitable or presumptuous. Among the realities these respondents missed is the . . . . Continue Reading »



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