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My Virtual 60-Foot Sailboat

A neighbor kindly introduced me to another neighbor I had not yet met.  After hearing where I live, the new neighbor said to me, “Oh, you’re in the house with the gaggle of kids.”  As she said this, she rolled her eyes and made a face as though she smelled something . . . . Continue Reading »

The Gray Area

Well. Hello.I’ve been away for a while — work and other commitments have limited by blogging overall, and sadly my availability for Evangel has been one of the victims of that. I stopped by yesterday (Friday, 17 July 2010) to see what’s going on here, and I found Christopher . . . . Continue Reading »

Apalling Leftist Racism

Misrepresentation is an apologists greatest ally.At the core of Christian Zionism is not the destruction of Jews and Israel. What is at the heart is the literal redemption of a great number of Jews though a conversion to Christ in the last times. It is an eschatological expectation. It is not a mere . . . . Continue Reading »

Thirty Three Things (v. 6)

1. The Scientific Difference Between a Yuppie and a Hippie On the distinction between yuppies and hippies: Individual differences in prediction biases for planning future tasks. “The present study investigated variables related to errors in predicting when tasks will be completed. Participants . . . . Continue Reading »



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