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Sex, Death, and Twilight

Is the Twilight series a faith-based paean to chastity? That is what author Stephanie Meyers claims . As Kathleen Gilbert notes, Twilight author Stephenie Meyer is widely known to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS), and openly acknowledges that her faith has had an . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links – 7.19.10

Abortion foes win a round in health overhaul , AP Abortion foes have scored a victory and traditional allies of the Obama administration are grumbling about a decision to ban most abortion coverage in insurance pools for those unable to purchase health care on their own. The Catholic bishops . . . . Continue Reading »

Bonhoeffer and the Free Church

I’ve been reading through Eric Metaxas’ biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer . It is truly excellent. At points it almost has a dreamlike quality. I highly recommend it. What motivates this post is the point in the narrative where the German state church is confronted by the Aryan Paragraph . . . . Continue Reading »

Bonhoeffer and the Free Church

I’ve been reading through Eric Metaxas’ biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  It is truly excellent.  At points it almost has a dreamlike quality.  I highly recommend it.What motivates this post is the point in the narrative where the German state church is confronted by . . . . Continue Reading »

Marriage Minus Monogamy IV

Robert George joins in on the discussion about who want ” marriage equality” do not want marital fidelity : Evidence is now beginning to pour in that a vast number of persons in same-sex sexual partnerships, including those legally recognized as marriages, simply do not view monogamy or . . . . Continue Reading »

Future Farmers Not Welcome In the Ivy League

Russell K. Nieli reports that the “diversity” in Ivy League isn’t so diverse : Most elite universities seem to have little interest in diversifying their student bodies when it comes to the numbers of born-again Christians from the Bible belt, students from Appalachia and other . . . . Continue Reading »



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