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50 Things a Man Should Be Able To Do

Every man does not need to know how to tie a bow tie. Let’s get that clear up front. I don’t know why it is on every “Things a Man Should Know How to Do” list but it’s simply not true. If you have a reason to wear a bow tie (e.g., you’re going to prom, your name is George Will) then you . . . . Continue Reading »

C & C Word Engineering

Proponents of assisted suicide are ever trying to fool all the people all the time. One method is word engineering.  Ever since euthanasia advocacy  began over 100 years ago, advocates have continually sought the perfect phrase or advocacy term that will convince society to swallow . . . . Continue Reading »

Goldman on Kudlow

First Things ’ senior editor David Goldman will be on CNBC’s Kudlow Report tonight around 7:00 p.m. EST. David will be talking about monetary versus fiscal policy for a recovery. UPDATE: You can find the video of the segment here . . . . . Continue Reading »

Does Soccer Need a Patron Saint?

As World Cup football fever dies down, the Salesian News Agency has suggested that the sport needs a patron saint: In spite of the fact that FIFA had forbidden the use of religious symbols and gestures most of the players don’t seem to take any notice and openly express their religious faith. . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links - 7.22.10

Obama’s Electronic Health Records Czar: HIV Status and Abortions Need Not be Included Dr. David Blumenthal, the Obama administration’s National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, said on Tuesday that patients can choose to omit procedures such as . . . . Continue Reading »

Worse Than Boorish

Earlier this week, Byron Williams headed out with his private arsenal. (See the San Francisco Chronicle article) Stopped by police for speeding, a gunbattle ensued. Now, as initial police reports reveal, “His intention was to start a revolution by traveling to San Francisco and killing . . . . Continue Reading »



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