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Kill the Geese, Save the People: Part 2

Awhile back I supported a plan to kill geese in and around New York City to protect aviation safety.  (Recall that flying geese were sucked into an airliner’s jet engines, which would have killed more than a hundred passengers—and perhaps many more on the ground—but for an . . . . Continue Reading »

Of Aliens and Creation

Just in case you missed them, “On the Square” today offers another double feature: Father Edward Oakes’ E.T., Phone Here and Archbishop Charles Chaput’s Fire on the Earth . Father Oakes begins with Fermi’s Paradox about the possibility of life on other planets and . . . . Continue Reading »

Big Questions Online

Rod Dreher, one of my all-time favorite bloggers, recently took a job as the editor of the Templeton Foundation’s new webzine, Big Questions Online . The new site “aims to ask and explore the Big Questions of human purpose and ultimate reality, with a focus on science, religion, markets, . . . . Continue Reading »

Second Links — 7.22.10

We apologize for the absence of Second Links the last two days. The compiler was down with a stomach bug and finding out that why “feeling like a wrung out dish cloth” is such a good metaphor. In Florence, parts of Galileo have been put on display . “‘He’s a secular . . . . Continue Reading »

Anglican Communion Going to the Dogs

When I saw Frank Lockwood noting that a dog had been given communion at Anglican Church in Canada (” An unbaptized dog, to make matters worse. “) my first thought was, “What are those crazy Anglicans up to now . . . ” According to those in attendance at the historical church . . . . Continue Reading »



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