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First Links - 7.27.10

Lawsuit claims school bias on Christian views Attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund have sued Augusta State University in Georgia on behalf of a counseling student who claims the university told her to deny her Christian beliefs in order to graduate. Jennifer Keeton, 24, who is pursuing a . . . . Continue Reading »

More on Galileo

After writing about a weird swerve in a New York Times article that was determined to revive old canards about the Catholic Church vs. True Science and Reason, readers chimed in with helpful background about Galileo. As has been the case since I met him in 1984, David Yeago’s razor sharp mind . . . . Continue Reading »

Calvin Coolidge and the Wet Blanket Movement

What should I make of the Tea Party movement? For the past year I’ve pondered that question without ever arriving at a definitive answer. As a conservative I’m leery of populism—even right-wing populism—and fads—especially right-wing fads. I remember how Ross Perot and the . . . . Continue Reading »

Critical About Critical Thinking

R. R. Reno exposes An Error Worse Than Error , today’s “On the Square” entry. He began  his life as a teacher eager to help students learn to think critically and avoid falling into error and has found since that “critical thinking” was not the only or even the . . . . Continue Reading »

More Than a Trillion a Decade

Something two years old but which I just came across and post for those interested:  The Taxpayer Costs of Divorce and Unwed Childbearing , a report claiming that these problems cost taxpayers a huge amount of money, much of which could be saved by programs supporting marriage. According . . . . Continue Reading »

Is there a Christian metaphysic?

My friends and fellow bloggers are talking about metaphysics. So, I will jump in. Matt Milliner announces, “Attempts to overcome metaphysics [have] been shown to be themselves irrepressibly metaphysical.” Matt Anderson insists:Either a natural order exists, or we impose it.  Either . . . . Continue Reading »

Tomorrow in “On the Square”

Tomorrow in “On the Square,” senior editor R.R. Reno will explain what is a far greater but also subtler danger to the intellectual than error. Until then, you may want to read or check teh discussion of today’s “On the Square” article, senior editor David . . . . Continue Reading »

Which Countries Are Happiest?

Every so often, Gallup and other polling companies go around the world asking the citizens of different lands how happy they are. Forbes ’ website today published the most recent iteration of the “happiness” poll , in which the Scandinavians, as usual, came out on top. Also among . . . . Continue Reading »



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