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Anne Rice Denounces Christianity

Anne Rice, author of the a series of best-selling vampire novels and, most recently, fictional accounts of the life of Christ, has taken to Facebook to announce she is no longer a Christian : For those who care, and I understand if you don’t: Today I quit being a Christian. I’m out. I . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links - 7.29.10

River Jordan Baptismal Site Closes Over Pollution Scare Thousands of Christian pilgrims immerse themselves in the river’s sluggish water each year in faithful recreation of the biblical story of Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist. But officials closed the site this week to test the . . . . Continue Reading »

Catholicism in America

Our friend and frequent contributor Archbishop Charles Chaput will be speaking at this year’s meeting of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars. The group, whose membership includes several members of  First Things ’ board, is meeting in Baltimore from September 24th to 26th. The . . . . Continue Reading »

The Wise Know Stupid

We must be Experts in Stupidity , Joe Carter declares in today’s “On the Square” article.  After describing some attempts to ignore the obvious, he writes: Unlike these Rousseauian utopians, we can’t even pretend to know how to build a healthy political and social . . . . Continue Reading »

The other foot of Jesus

You know: the subject of God’s love is not an either/or question in the face of orthodoxy. It’s not either you think God loves men or you have the right theology. In fact, I would say that the manner by which you can affirm that God loves men determines whether or not you have the right . . . . Continue Reading »



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