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Dead Sea Scrolls Mystery Solved?

From National Geographic : The recent decoding of a cryptic cup, the excavation of ancient Jerusalemtunnels, and other archaeological detective work may help solve one of the great biblical mysteries: Who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls? The new clues hint that the scrolls, which include some of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Missouri Voters Poised to Reject Obamacare

The NYT sure is in defensive mode about the apparent likelihood that the voters of Missouri will pass a non binding referendum rejecting Obamacare.  From the story:For all its symbolic import, the first plebiscite on the Obama health care law, to be held Tuesday in Missouri, seems likely to be . . . . Continue Reading »

Thing I Do Not Understand

1. The difference between knickers and capris.2. Why chocolate chip cookies are made with morsels instead of chips.3. That I still consider myself intelligent while voting.4. How anyone can think the jerkiness and pixelation of digital images is superior to film.5. Is there a role that cannot be . . . . Continue Reading »

Weekend Links — 8.1.10

Finally remembered is the brave and multi-talented  Garland of Arabia , a mentor to Lawrence of Arabia, who said Garland was “much more use than I could be” in blowing up railroads and teaching the Bedouin to do it, and thereby aiding England during World War I. The . . . . Continue Reading »

Thirty Three Things (v. 8)

1. Jonathan Mitchican on the cassock : The cassock was once the standard article of dress for Christian priests. Long after the Great Schism divided the east from the west, the cassock remained a symbol of priesthood that was acknowledged by Catholic and Orthodox alike. Cassocks have been worn by . . . . Continue Reading »

Do You Believe?

There’s a bit of shooting fish in a barrel to this, but it’s delicious anyway: Deepak Chopra Gets Owned . Thanks for the link to Steve Hayward of NoLeftTurns , who refers to Chopra as “one of those self-levitating frauds so common in our age.” In another Youtube . . . . Continue Reading »



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