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Thin Skin

I don’t think of myself as a populist who likes to bash the rich, but this story from the Guardian that a friend sent along offers an irresistible target. Sir Angus Grossart, a wealthy banker, said of Sir Fred Goodwin, another wealthy banker and former head of the Royal Bank of Scotland, that . . . . Continue Reading »

Running in Tight Little Circles

Circular reasoning is the standard response to running in tight little circles, which ensues upon having one’s foot nailed to the floor. According to Bret Stephens’ column in today’s Wall Street Journal , we should employ circular reasoning to justify our present misery in . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links - 8.3.10

Remains of St John the Baptist ‘found’ Bone fragments of St John the Baptist appear to have been found on Sveti Ivan Island near Bulgaria’s southern Black Sea. Obama tells veterans that end of Iraq war is about to begin In a speech to the Disabled American Veterans national . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: Smothering Us On Bureaucracy

Back in 1994, when I supported a single payer health plan, the Clintons infuriated me by creating  a reform plan so Byzantine in its chains of power and newly minted bureaucracies, that it became  incomprehensible.  As a result, health reform failed. And it was so unnecessary, given . . . . Continue Reading »

Conjugular Love

Anne Rice has clarified her renunciation of Christianity, explaining, ”I didn’t anticipate in the beginning that US Catholic Bishops were going to come out against same-sex marriage. That they were actually going to donate money to defeat the civil rights of homosexuals in the secular . . . . Continue Reading »

More ISI Facts

1. First off, let me thank Cindy Searcy for organizing a perfect week. Dr. Pat Deneen might say otherwise, given that his original room in the historic inn was a little too historic for him. (There are, it turns out, limits to the natural instinct for affection for one’s place.) It is true . . . . Continue Reading »

The Naturalist’s Great Magic Wand

“What has got me so hot under the collar this time is a passage I just ran across in the revised version of Stephen Hawking’s  A Brief History of Time , called, amusingly enough,  A Briefer History of Time ,” writes Father Edward Oakes in today’s “On the . . . . Continue Reading »

How Do You Say “Chutzpah” In Urdu?

Just in case we haven’t noticed, Pakistan’s president Zardari wants us to know that we are losing the war in Afghanistan. Reports the Daily Telegraph this morning: Mr Zardari warned the international community that it had “lost the battle to win hearts and minds”. In an . . . . Continue Reading »

Bonhoeffer on community as divine reality

As a followup to yesterday’s post, Church renewal: a cautionary note, here is Dietrich Bonhoeffer from Life Together, a life-changing book I read in my youth with great appreciation:Every human wish dream that is injected into the Christian community is a hindrance to genuine community and . . . . Continue Reading »



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