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After ClimateGate

After ClimateGate, scientists are asking how to fix their image. While Erin Biba in Wired blithely suggests better PR, Kenneth P. Green and Hiwa Alaghebandian at The American looks for the cause of our mistrust . They blame the authoritarian tone that they convincingly show has been adopted in . . . . Continue Reading »

Anne Rice’s Catholic Anti-Catholicism

By now, most have read Anne Rice’s emphatic rejection of Christianity.  She laid out her template of left-wing values which are more important to her than being part of the church which rejects these things (anti-science, anti-Democrat, anti-gay, anti-life, waitaminute, did she say . . . . Continue Reading »

Second Links — 8.4.10

Allowed to show some English movies, the Poles made up their own posters , substituting art for the girls and guns favored by the English studios. Deciding to do something “mischievous in its conception,” two Hollywood biggies have compiled a list of the 50 most influential rabbis in . . . . Continue Reading »

Typos Cloud Communication

In The Great Typo Hunt , Jeff Deck and Benjamin Herson recount one of the odder road trips you’ll hear about: a journey to find typos. Because, Deck says in a interview , Typos cloud communication, which is the primary purpose of writing. If your text has typos, it’s going to . . . . Continue Reading »

The Karachity Pakistanis

Pakistan’s largest city (and one of the largest in the Muslim world) exploded in riots this week following the murder of a leading politician, and the government has not yet brought it under control. This is a development of enormous significance; it is just this sort of prospective . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links - 8.4.10

Over 200 Military Physicians Petition for No Abortion on Military Bases Over 200 active and retired military physicians have signed a letter organized by the 16,000-member Christian Medical Association (CMA), in which they ask Senators to vote against the FY 2011 National Defense Authorization Act, . . . . Continue Reading »

Religion in College

The Religion News Service has produced a story on the most and least religious colleges , taken from the Princeton Review . Brigham Young was first, Sarah Lawrence last. We are producing our own analysis of the religious life and commitments of the top American universities and colleges, which will . . . . Continue Reading »

Federal Money in Higher Education

Former Senator Bill Armstrong is now president of Colorado Christian College, and he’s been reading the new regulations coming out of the Department of Education. He’s worried that these new regulations, designed to ensure that the federal money flowing into higher education is properly . . . . Continue Reading »



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