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Sexual Submission Required

In an article unexpectedly relevant to the news from California, R. R. Reno discusses Homosexuality and the Failure of Modern Education in today’s “On the Square.” Comparing the recent cases of academic intolerance in Illinois and Georgia, he writes that When it comes to sexual . . . . Continue Reading »

“Special Meaning”

by Frank TurkSo you know: Pack a lunch.And before you read a single word of this post, I require of you that you read this post, by me, regarding this essential conflict involved in talking about this topic. If you do not read that post, and you want to reproach me about my post here, I will simply . . . . Continue Reading »

Why argue?

Arguments on the Internet are interminable. The cartoon goes, “Are you coming to bed?” “I can’t. This is important.” “What?” “Someone is wrong on the Internet.” I’ve been in a long-term running argument with a particular atheist on Thinking . . . . Continue Reading »

Bloomberg and the Clerical D-List

For multibillionaire celebrity political honcho, New York’s Mayor Bloomberg is not doing terribly well with the clergy of his city.  At a press conference yesterday morning with the Statue of Liberty in the background, called to support the Ground Zero Islamic center, Bloomberg . . . . Continue Reading »

… And Otherwise Decent Folks

When I go and stick my neck out on evolution and liberal blogs not only are the attacks fierce, but so also are the irrational remarks and even censorship that pervade conversation that might otherwise be pleasant. These folks seem generally decent but often have a difficult time carrying on a . . . . Continue Reading »

Judge Overturns California Same-Sex Marriage Ban

Disappointing, though not really surprising, news out of California : A federal judge on Wednesday struck down a California ban on same-sex marriages as unconstitutional, handing a key victory to gay rights advocates in a politically charged decision almost certain to reach the U.S. Supreme Court. . . . . Continue Reading »



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