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USA a Haven for IVF Sex Selection Tourism

The USA has abdicated good ethics by allowing IVF to go virtually unregulated. The consequences are profound and growing.  Rather than being a medical treatment for otherwise infertile married couples, IVF has become a lifestyle enhancer permitting parents to shop for the child they want like . . . . Continue Reading »

Placing a Flag in Lower Manhattan

My friend Gregory Laughlin sends a thought on the controversy over the Islamic community center being built near the 9/11 site: While all American cherish our rights of free speech and free exercise of religion as guaranteed in the First Amendment, there are some things which just shouldn’t be . . . . Continue Reading »

Thirty Three Things (v. 9)

1. How many books are there in the world? 129,864,880 °°°°°° 2. How a Bach Canon Works °°°°°° 3. John Coltrane’s “Giant Steps” Animated °°°°°° 4. Beethoven’s 5th: The Animated Score Click here to get a PDF . . . . Continue Reading »

Remembering Hiroshima

It’s a little late in the day to remember this, but today is the 65th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. The Catholic Herald has commemorated the day with the remarkable story of eight Jesuit priests who survived the atomic blast although they were less than a mile from the detonation . . . . Continue Reading »

Pray for Fr. Francis Martin

Fr. Francis Martin has suffered a heart attack, and is presently in intensive care in Copehhagen, Denmark. A long time proponent of biblical interpretation informed by the wisdom of the church’s great tradition of doctrine, Fr. Martin has been an important voice in contempoary . . . . Continue Reading »



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