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Heavy Coins, Light Bills

A grimly amusing story from the BBC explaining  Why the US keeps minting coins people hate and won’t use . (I should credit my eldest son for sending me the link.) It begins: In hidden vaults across the country, the US government is building a stockpile of $1 coins. The hoard has topped . . . . Continue Reading »

Christians, Sex, and the Pink Police State

Why do conservatives Christians spend so much time concerned about sexual politics? Whether fretting over same-sex marriage or teenage fornication, it seems—to our friends as well as detractors—that we are obsessed with policing eros . The common assumption is that our motives are similar . . . . Continue Reading »

A Love That Can Survive

“But, was it not precisely for such situations that marriage vows were designed?”, asks Elizabeth Scalia in Love, Limits, and Loss , today’s “On the Square” feature, commenting on CBS News correspondent Barry Petersen’s unusual marital arrangement. “For . . . . Continue Reading »

Singing the Psalms: Suzanne Haïk- Vantoura

Imagine, if you will, what it would be like if Christians were to hold competitions in chanting the Psalms similar to what we see below.If Suzanne Haïk-Vantoura (1912-2000) is correct (which is disputed), it is possible that the entire Old Testament was once chanted. Listen to this NPR report . . . . Continue Reading »

The Ann Rice Meme

Ann had an interesting meme post which I noticed today, the “Ann Rice” meme. This meme asks us to: Name 3 things that really annoy you about church in general. Name 3 reasons why you stay.So, without further ado: here’s my list.Annoyances When Christians make references to . . . . Continue Reading »

The Pope Who Wanted To Be Librarian

While it is somewhat well known that Cardinal Ratzinger, before he became Pope Benedict XVI, did not see himself as being on the track to become pope, it may be lesser known that he personally requested to retire as Vatican librarian : When Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger turned 70 in 1997, he asked Pope . . . . Continue Reading »



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