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Catholicism in Europe

The recent Economist magazine features a helpful article about Catholicism in contemporary Europe, ” The Fate of Catholic Europe: The Void Within .” The title is misleading, suggesting a spiritual vacuum. The substance of the article is more nuanced, however, drawing attention to the . . . . Continue Reading »

Paul Longmore, RIP

College professor Paul Longmore, author and intrepid anti assisted suicide and disability rights activist, has died.  From the press release:We are deeply saddened to convey the news that Dr. Paul Longmore, Professor of History at San Francisco State and an active member of the Californians . . . . Continue Reading »

Our Village Sophist

I love Stanley Fish. He’s a circus clown who bounces around and distracts us from the changes between acts. His latest ” Opinionator ” column in the New York Times is a classic performance. Plagiarism is not big deal, he argues, because there is no such thing as originality. Every . . . . Continue Reading »

A Loved One Kidnapped

In Desecration in Scranton , The Anchoress reports on the theft of consecrated Hosts from a church there. This is done, as you will guess, only for very wicked reasons, which she goes on to describe. For a Catholic, this is as horrifying as having a loved one kidnapped by someone you know is going . . . . Continue Reading »

Cherchez la Femme

A Google search turns up 75,000 hits for the search term “Michelle Antoinette.” That’s sub-viral, but still noteworthy. At the Huffington Post, one pundit denounces New York Daily News publisher Mort Zuckerman for a “hit piece on First Lady Michelle Obama,” referring to . . . . Continue Reading »



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