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The Stealth Abortion Pill

At Public Discourse, my friend Michael Fragoso explains why the so-called “week-after pill” is an abortion drug hidden under the guise of contraception: On August 13 th the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the drug “ella” (ulipristal acetate) for prescription use as . . . . Continue Reading »

Where is Vienna’s Tomorrow? And Ours?

“Vienna is dying,” Elizabeth Scalia wrote in her journal during a visit to the city a few years ago. While traipsing its avenues and hopping on and off of buses, we see a materialistic society bearing more dogs on leashes than children in strollers. The concierge is from Turkey. The hotel . . . . Continue Reading »

Rebooting Evangel

Last October I invited two dozens evangelical pastors, philosophers, theologians, and bloggers to join together for an on-going conversation. The intention was to create a place where we could discuss the issues that are important to our community and to explain ourselves to non-believers, . . . . Continue Reading »

Clark Pinnock, R.I.P.

Evangelical theologian Clark Pinnock passed away on Sunday at the age of 73. The controversial advocate of open theism and annihilationism was an important influence in Wesleyan and Pentecostal theological circles. . . . . Continue Reading »

On Opinion and Judgement

Recently I was asked my opinion on anthropogenic global warming. In the ensuing discussion, there was criticism of my rejection of “the majority opinion of ‘experts’” as a good or valid method to base my position. Having rejected that, I was asked by what means, if not the . . . . Continue Reading »

Never Let Me Go

Back in 2005, Kazuo Ishiguro released his delicate novel “Never Let Me Go.”   You may remember Ishiguro as the author of “Remains of the Day,” which was adapted into a motion picture of the same name starring Anthony Hopkins, Emma Thompson, and Christopher . . . . Continue Reading »

“You Know, An Unintended Event...”

Don Lemon of CNN Weekend Primetime asked Dr. Sujatha Reddy, OB/GYNWould you recommend this new emergency contraception to your patients?She replied,You know, I would. I think it’s great that women have one more option if there is, you know, an unintended event that occurs, you have have one . . . . Continue Reading »



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