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Second Links — 8.18.10

A Russian tycoon is requiring his employees to repent or get fired . Those living with someone must marry them by October 14th, while anyone who has had an abortion will be fired outright. Russia’s recent bad weather “is punishment for the Russian people’s sins,” says Vasily . . . . Continue Reading »

The Public’s Line in the Sand On Islam

In his latest Spengler column, David Goldman ask s Why Don’t Americans Like Muslims? After surveying the “predictable” responses to the mosque being built near the 9/11 site, he presents what data we have to answer the question (while noting that “It is hard to find . . . . Continue Reading »

Restoring Integrity to a Toxic Environment

In today’s second “On the Square” feature, George Weigel writes In Defense of Israel’s Legitimacy . In it, he describes the new Friends of Israel Initiative, which intends to challenge the campaign of moral and political delegitimation to which the State of Israel has been . . . . Continue Reading »

The 9/11 Orthodox Church

A different side of the controversy over the mosque being built near Ground Zero: the Greek Orthodox church destroyed on 9/11 still can’t get permission to rebuild . The details in the Fox News story are of the he said/he said variety. The Port Authority has previously claimed the church was . . . . Continue Reading »

What Art Says About Life

Cezanne, Matisse, Monet, Picasso—the impressionist and post-impressionist painters bring in the big crowds at the museums. Van Gogh posters have had a fifty-year run as best sellers. What explains the enduring popularity of the largely French art that, in its day, was seen as shocking and . . . . Continue Reading »

Am I a Fundamentalist?

Carl Henry wrote:The code of Fundamentalism emphasizes external adherence to a few arbitrary customs and external abstinence from a few arbitrarily prohibited things. When a Fundamentalist is pressed with this analysis, he will, of course deny it. He, too, is vitally concerned with inner moral . . . . Continue Reading »

Stunt Preaching

A Hungarian Catholic priest who preaches from his skateboard has become a favorite on YouTube. My first reaction while watching the video (okay, my second reaction, after “cool cassock”) was: That’s the best you can do? You guys got nothing on our stunt preachers. To show our . . . . Continue Reading »

Children Who Dream of Their Fathers

“Sperm-donors’ children are banding together to try to ban anonymous sperm donation in hopes of saving future generations from the frustrating search that all too often ends in heartbreak,” reports the Associated Press. The story quotes the study My Daddy’s Name is Donor by . . . . Continue Reading »

The Gay Activist’s Best Friend

Conservative Christians are the homosexual person’s greatest ally in one important way, Joe Carter argues in Gay Gene Eugenics , today’s “On the Square” offering. Advances in biomedical technology, however, should push the two groups to agree that the biological basis for . . . . Continue Reading »

Misunderstood Jezebel

Poor Queen Jezebel, the misunderstood Phoenician feminist who fought for pluralism and Middle East peace against the narrow  nationalists of her time. Or so writes Janet Howe Gaines of the University of New Mexico  in the Biblical Archaeology Review, linked to this morning by Jewish Ideas . . . . Continue Reading »



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