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A Creepy Feeling

The National Conference of Catholic Bishops has released the Labor Day Statement by Bishop William F. Murphy, the Chairman of the Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development. No breaking news, just some well-meaning sentiments and reasonably sound observations. For example, Bishop Murphy . . . . Continue Reading »

More on Beth Moore

A few months ago, I began writing a piece on the teachings of Beth Moore. The fine writers at CT were working on a similar project which became a recent cover story and companion article. There is much to be said about Beth’s influence in the Church that I believe male and female leaders need . . . . Continue Reading »

Two Distinct Universes, Catholic and Anglican

In Compromise Trumps Apostolic Tradition , George Weigel examines the collapse, through the Anglican insistence on innovating in ways contradictory to the Apostolic tradition, of the “once-promising dialogue” between the Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion. “As I discovered . . . . Continue Reading »

The Catastrophe That Wasn’t

When it comes to ecology, I’m a firm believer in applying biblical principles of stewardship to the environment. Although it is not always obvious what principles should apply, I believe one of the first is to develop a realistic and accurate assessment of man’s effects on our . . . . Continue Reading »

Genesis and Jesus

Evangelicals spend a lot of time fighting about Genesis and the proper interpretation thereof.  Catholics spend a lot less time on it for reasons which are not fully clear to me.  My area of scholarship is religion, law, and politics, so I am far from expert in this controversy as either a . . . . Continue Reading »


Reading this article in The Wilson Quarterly, America: Land of Loners?, has inspired me to return to a topic I took up early last year in my personal blog, Notes from a Byzantine-Rite Calvinist. That topic is friendship, something that appears to have eroded in our highly  mobile, . . . . Continue Reading »

Repudiating Buckley, Discarding God

God seems to be fading from His previous importance in the conservative movement, argues Joe Carter in today’s “On the Square,” God and Man in the Conservative Movement . Beginning with a description of William F. Buckley’s famous first book, he argues that Buckley’s . . . . Continue Reading »



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