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Friendship: childhood friends

When I was around 6 years old, I had a friend, whom I’ll call Billy, who lived round the corner from us. He was in my elementary school class, and I saw him virtually every day. We would play at each other’s homes, and I recall our walking one day to the Sunnyside Market, which was . . . . Continue Reading »

It Puts Your Back Up

In Holy War Over Ground Zero — the “Public Square” section for the October issue, soon to arrive in your mail boxes — Joseph Bottum suggests that New York’s mayor Michael Bloomberg deserves some credit for supporting the Cordoba Initiative, a.k.a. the “Ground . . . . Continue Reading »

Do Catholics Not Understand Economics?

At InsideCatholic, Jeffrey Tucker, director of research at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, argues that Catholics don’t understand economics : For years I’ve puzzled over the question of why Catholics have such trouble coming to terms with economics. This problem applies only to modern . . . . Continue Reading »

The Measure of All Things

Harvard Business School’s Clayton Christensen recently asked the HBS class of 2010, and the readers of the Harvard Business Review, “How will you measure your life?”  (Tagline from the print edition: “Don’t reserve your best business thinking for your . . . . Continue Reading »

The Grand Tetons are Proof of God

I’m back from the Grand Tetons, which is my favorite place on earth.  Here are a few photos.  More soon on my Facebook page.Whilst I was gone, I was unable to post (except about the ESCR ruling from the Denver Airport), or personally monitor the comments, a few of which—you . . . . Continue Reading »



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