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Freezing Dead Fetuses vs. Freezing Live Embryos

After raiding a Maryland abortion clinic, government officials discover jars of dead fetuses : Maryland health officials have ordered two doctors to stop performing abortions after a woman was critically injured during a procedure last month. The state Board of Physicians ordered Dr. Steven Brigham . . . . Continue Reading »

The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten

[Note: Since its a holiday—and because I can’t find much else to write about—I thought I’d post another thought experiment.] In his collection of thought experiments, The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten , philosopher Julian Baggini includes the following excerpt from Douglas Adam’s sci-fi . . . . Continue Reading »


“Mary Immaculate precedes all others, including obviously Peter himself and the Apostles.”  - John Paul II,  Mulieris Dignitatem “Thou goest to a woman?  Do not forget thy whip!”  - Nietzsche,  Thus Spoke Zarathustra . . . . Continue Reading »

Tempering terrorism

I am all for the revival of the humanities in our universities, but The Globe and Mail’s John Allemang may be expecting too much: Can the liberal arts cure jihadists? If not, they might at least persuade moderate terrorists to settle for incremental . . . . Continue Reading »

Jeremy Lott’s Life of Buckley

The Thomas Nelson company sent me AmSpec alumnus Jeremy Lott’sWilliam F. Buckley.  I will write a full review later, but I have just begun the book and can already tell that Lott is going to bring attention to some underappreciated territory.His hook is that Bill Buckley was more or less . . . . Continue Reading »

Thirty Three Things (v. 13)

1. The Bookshelf as Memory Theater What concerns me about the literary apocalypse that everybody now expects—the at least partial elimination of paper books in favor of digital alternatives—is not chiefly the books themselves, but the bookshelf. My fear is for the eclectic, personal . . . . Continue Reading »



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