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Miss Him Yet?

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll shows that 26 percent of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Obama is performing his role as president, while 44 percent Strongly Disapprove. I think approval rating polls are rarely interesting (exception: Andy . . . . Continue Reading »

Hawking and Creation

William Carroll, one of the most subtle Thomists currently thinking about science, metaphysics, and faith, has put up a characteristically clear and lucid analysis of Stephen Hawking’s claim that modern physics has shown that we don’t need God to get the universe going. As Carroll . . . . Continue Reading »

The Problem of Moral Revival

As a Christian and a conservative, I believe we have reached a crossroads where we need to seriously reconsider our approach to cultural engagement. The swift undercurrent of moral decay continues to take most Christians by surprise while our pragmatic approach to morality rooted in tradition and . . . . Continue Reading »


The Gray Lady appears to agree with Micah about Stephen Hawking being something of a bore this time around: The real news about “The Grand Design,” however, isn’t Mr. Hawking’s supposed jettisoning of God . . . The real news about “The Grand Design” is how . . . . Continue Reading »



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