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The Old Unified Line

Today in “On the Square,” Joseph Bottum describes what would have been for some others a misspent weekend, spent watching the old televisions how What’s My Line? on Youtube. And in Lining Culture finds that what “the weird, silly, self-important old show did have, that would . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare:As Unpopular as Ever

When the Democrats shoved Obamacare down our throats despite having badly lost the national political debate, and after resorting to one of the most dishonest advocacy efforts I have ever seen, they assured themselves it would get more popular once people found out what is in it.  Wrong.  . . . . Continue Reading »

National Review’s Case for Marriage

Our friends at National Review have presented a strong defense of traditional marriage : What the institution and policy of marriage aims to regulate is sex, not love or commitment. These days, marriage regulates sex (to the extent it does regulate it) in a wholly non-coercive manner, sex outside . . . . Continue Reading »

Romance vs. Conversion

Economist Robin Hanson raises an interesting question : A key pillar of modern morality is the sanctity of romantic love.  We reel in horror at the thought of “backward” societies, including our ancestors’, who arrange marriages without intense emotional romantic love. . . . . Continue Reading »

When Doves Cry for the Quran

When I first read about “Sacramentans” at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, I thought it was referring to some sort of Catholic order that I had never heard about. But then I realized it just meant “people from Sacramento.” Sacramento, California . That explains a lot: . . . . Continue Reading »

Natural Law and Newman’s Insight

While I’m mentioning conferences you may want to attend, here are two more. First, Robert George, a member of our editorial board, will be giving the Archbishop Gerety Lecture at Immaculate Conception Seminary at Seton Hall University. He will be speaking on “Natural Law, God, and Human . . . . Continue Reading »



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