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Constitution Day Musings—Part 1

The experts at Georgetown are right to highlight the following excerpt from the opinion of the Court in PLANNED PARENTHOOD v. CASEY: 1. “At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.” . . . . Continue Reading »

Intellectuals at Work

Another day of double-offering in “On the Square”. First we have R. R. Reno’s regular article, this one titled Love Rather Than Theory and dealing with the difference between thinking things through and what the modern intellectual does. “The intellectual is an intellectual . . . . Continue Reading »

Why Aren’t Jews For Jesus?

Rabbi Joseph Telushkin explains why Jews do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah : From Judaism’s perspective, Jesus did not fulfill the messianic prophecies and therefore is not regarded as the Messiah. The best-known of the prophecies concerning the messianic days is that “Nation shall . . . . Continue Reading »

Guns, Elections, and Stuff

Voegelinian scholar, Grant Havers, has a new, insightful, and wonderfully written book on Lincoln here: . Please take note of the University of Missouri Press, they’re the publisher of Voegelin’s complete works and they publish a plethora of . . . . Continue Reading »

The Trees Speak Only to the Enlightened

I have been dipping into esoteric religious stuff, by accident. Normally it isn’t anything I mess with, beyond the dismal fancies of liberal Protestants in general and Lutherans in particular. I blame UFO Magazine . A recent cover caught my eye at the library. There is a connection, I learned, . . . . Continue Reading »

D’Souza Unconvincing

Third World anti-colonialism as the key to the policies and decisions of the Obama administration? After reading the Forbes cover story by Dinesh D’Souza, “ How Obama Thinks ,” I found myself scratching my head. In D’Souza’s account, the interpretive key to the Obama . . . . Continue Reading »

The Social Commentary of Ice Cream Ads

In defiance of a ruling by the British Advertising Standards Authority—doesn’t that ring quaintly on the ear: Advertising Standards Authority —an ice cream company has announced its intent to plaster the Pope’s route through London to Westminster Cathedral with images . . . . Continue Reading »

Pestritto, Progressives, and Beck

So this is a good defense of the fundamental insight of Glenn Beck (that Woodrow Wilson in particular and Progressives in general are anti-American and anti-Constitutional evildoers) by Glenn’s intellectual mentor. I certainly agree that the sacrifice of the individual to “social . . . . Continue Reading »



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