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Pope Benedict

Doesn’t get enough credit for what an effective messenger he is. His words! If you have any interest in the Catholic Church, in Truth, in the synergy between faith and reason, he is someone to read regularly . But in his person, too. He is more dynamic, more gentle, and more beautifully . . . . Continue Reading »

Peter’s Point

This morning, before the beatification, the Archbishop of Canterbury told the pope: “You have encouraged us to draw closer to the rock upon which the Church is built.” If nothing else, if this is true, it makes the papal visit a success. Kathryn Jean Lopez is editor-at-large of National . . . . Continue Reading »

Sisters in the Act

This was a nice surprise find on the BBC website. A British Dominican sisters writes about a visit her congregation had with Cardinal Ratzinger in Rome, in anticipation of seeing him during this visit: It was such an experience of the universal Church, being united through a common faith and . . . . Continue Reading »

An American in Birmingham

Father C. J McCloskey explains on the Washington Post ’s website : I hosted a series of programs on the life and works for EWTN on Cardinal Newman in the year 2000. At the end of one of his programs, while interviewing Fr. Ian Ker, the renowned Newman biographer from Oxford, I put a message on . . . . Continue Reading »

Who Are We If You Are We?

David Quinn of the Irish Catholic writes : I have a question for one of the protest’s main organisers, namely Terry Sanderson, president of the National Secular Society. He announced earlier: “The days of popes are over.” He added: “This is a secular country, we are a secular . . . . Continue Reading »

Be Not Afraid, Again (And Again)

While visiting the St. Peter’s residence for seniors yesterday, Pope Benedict XVI said : “Christians should not be afraid to share in the suffering of Christ, if God wills that we struggle with infirmity” Listening to the Holy Father speak about the respect we owe the elderly, how . . . . Continue Reading »

Modern and American Dignity

Because time is running out when it comes to getting the prepublication deal of $17.79, I thought I’d remind you in a characteristically shameless and self-promotional way to buy MY new book. Here are most of the words that will appear on the beautiful dust jacket: An Indispensable Guide to . . . . Continue Reading »



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