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You Shall Give To Him Freely

There’s a fascinating element in the discussion of the Sabbath year in Deuteronomy 15. The general law requires releasing people from their debts every seven years. That means if you lend to someone a few months before the release of debts, and the person is too poor to pay it back in . . . . Continue Reading »


I posted this a week ago to my personal blog and intended to cross-post it here without too much delay, but I’ve just realized that I never got around to it.There’s a particularly bad argument against those who accept the biblical prohibitions against same-sex sexual acts, and I think I’ve . . . . Continue Reading »

Let Us Go Then, You and I

Marvelous:   The .Doc file of J. Alfred Prufrock . It begins: Let us go then, you and I, When the evening is spread out against the sky Like a laptop, put in sleep mode on a table Let us go through certain half-deserted streets The blinking-light retreats Of restless nights in free-wifi cafes . . . . Continue Reading »

Flattening Episcopal Statements

“The search for consensus can result in a flattened document — or, as one bishop put it, documents that have found their least common denominator,” noted Bishop Robert Vasa, speaking on “The Bishop and the Conference” at the InsideCatholic Partnership Award Dinner. It . . . . Continue Reading »

The ECFA on Employment Rights

Something that may interest those interested in the kind of restrictive separationism described in   Secularist Secularism : the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability’s policy statement Protecting the Religious Employment Practices of Churches and Religious Organizations . . . . . Continue Reading »

Newman’s Idea of the University

Roger Scruton examines Cardinal John Henry Newman’s conception of what a university does : For Newman a university does not exist simply to convey information or expertise. The university is a society in which the student absorbs the graces and accomplishments of a higher form of life. In the . . . . Continue Reading »

Protesting the Pope Like It’s A.D. 1054

Not everyone who showed up to protest Pope Benedict’s visit to the UK were secularists. At least one Eastern Orthodox gentleman joined in to send the pontiff a message : It wasn’t really a poster; it more like Magic Marker theology on a pizza box. And a young man named Toby Guise was . . . . Continue Reading »



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