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Last month I linked to Andrew Ferguson’s takedown of Bob Dylan and confessed that I never understood the singer’s appeal . Not surprisingly, the Dylan defenders in the comments section thrashed Ferguson and me for failing to appreciate the crooner’s genius.

Being an open-minded kind of guy, I’m willing to be convinced that Dylan doesn’t, as Ferguson claims, “delight in actively abusing the people who pay money to
enjoy his act.” But for that to happen someone has to explain this:

Surprisingly, the vocals are the best thing about the video. Everything else is just bizarre—until the 1:50 mark when it goes completely off-the-rails crazy. It’s like Dylan has become a cheerier version of David Lynch .

Is Dylan intentionally trying to look silly or this another example of his genius that I’m failing to appreciate?

(Via: Biblical Christianity )

Related: Sean Curnyn previews Dylan’s Christmas album

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