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Scientific Americans

My review of Yuval Levin’s excellent and thought-provoking book, Imagining the Future: Science and American Democracy , is up now at First Principles. Yuval’s closing exhortation to conservatives, to write more clearly, probingly, and persuasively about human dignity, is problematic, . . . . Continue Reading »

Wall Street Journal: Man v. God

So, the WSJ has a major debate feature on the role of religion in society in its Weekend Journal.  For the atheists, we have Richard Dawkins.  No big surprise there.  For the theists we have . . . Alister McGrath?  No. Rick Warren?  No. Francis Beckwith?  No. J.P. . . . . Continue Reading »

Who is the Nelson Mandela of Hamas?

Last week Jimmy Carter wrote another breathtakingly silly op-ed titled “ The Elder’s View of the Middle East .” As Elliot Abrams summarized it in an response titled, ” What Carter Missed in the Middle East .” The former President “described a rapacious Israel facing . . . . Continue Reading »

Remembering 9/11

RequiemCambridge, September 2001A payload of people phoning home:their ghost voices linger, caught on tapes,rewound, rewound, as if listening could summon themback into themselves. The last hope’ssupplanted now with clinging to a missedcall, replaying it, imagining words —but what? . . . . Continue Reading »



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