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NHS Meltdown: Death Panels!

Pallliative care experts in the UK are charging that terminally ill patients are being intentionally misdiagnosed as being close to death in order to enable doctors to stop treatment and instead dehydrate the patient to death. My contacts in the UK have been warning me about the “Liverpool . . . . Continue Reading »

Hamas’ Holocaust Deniers

More for your “you can’t make this stuff up” files, compliments of the Washington Post article, ” Hamas Objects to Possible Lessons on Holocaust in U.N.-Run Schools in Gaza “: The prospect of United Nations-run schools in the Gaza Strip teaching children about the . . . . Continue Reading »

More on Will and Afghanistan

Joe Carter has already commented on George’s Will’s “lack of will ” on Afghanistan. On the whole Joe is right: Will’s proposal would amount to nothing less than defeat. But it would be unfair to suggest that Will is simply running up the white flag. As William Kristol . . . . Continue Reading »

CPR Report 9.2.09

A daily roundup of intriguing items on culture, politics, and religion. Culture » Sign of the Times: In honor of same-sex marriage becoming legal in Vermont, Ben & Jerry’s has renamed its Chubby Hubby ice cream flavor “Hubby Hubby” for the month . » When technology . . . . Continue Reading »

Blairing the Details

The Catholic wife of the former British prime minister can be faulted for many things but not usually for lack of candor. Reaffirming her support for contraception, Cherie Blair was quoted recently as saying: I feel if you look at what progress women have made in the world, one of the reasons is . . . . Continue Reading »



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