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Why the John Edwards Story Matters

Theologian Russell Moore explains why the John Edwards scandal matters : It matters because it highlights, first of all, a key cause of the poverty Sen. Edwards once commendably made a central aspect of his presidential campaign. Numberless children wake up in grinding poverty because their fathers . . . . Continue Reading »

Study Shows That PVS Patients May Learn!

One of the greatest injustices of the Terri Schiavo case was the adamant refusal of Judge Greer to permit a renowned University of Chicago rehabilitation expert work with Terri to help her relearn how to swallow.  (Michael Schiavo had protected his future inheritance by denying her any and all . . . . Continue Reading »

How Monogamous Men Can Rescue Civilization

At the most recent World Congress of Families in Amsterdam, family scholar Pat Fagan argued that the culture of the traditional family is now in intense competition with a very different culture : The defining difference between the two is the sexual ideal embraced. The traditional family of . . . . Continue Reading »

Doing Unto My Political Other

“Rhetoric detached from morality harms people and societies,” says Biola University professor John Mark Reynolds. As Reynolds notes, political rhetoric has become more hateful and extreme —leading to behaviors that Christians should avoid: “Jesus called us to love our enemies . . . . Continue Reading »



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