Well, really from our comments forum. Reader Mark Gooley is looking for a painting of the Holy Trinity, which he describes thus:
. . . a beautiful painting of the Trinity (perhaps being adored by the Blessed Virgin and/or other saints: I’m not sure). It shows the Father and the Son exhaling a mist that has apparently just congealed into the Dove of the Holy Spirit, and so it might be offensive to many members of the Orthodox Churches. (It’s very _filioque_.)
It occurs to me that it might be useful to know a period, whether it looks Italian or Flemish or Spanish or something else, and so on, but if this description rings a bell with anyone, Mr. Gooley would very much like to know where he can purchase a reproduction.
If you come up with an answer for us, I’ll rate you
[100 out of 100]
. Just think how proud your mother will be. P.S. Mr. Gooley took the Church Fathers quiz and says that he is St. Jerome, complete with skull, literary endeavors, and violent temper (he also has a cat); but don’t let that intimidate you.
I just took it again, and I’m still Origen.