That’s all the time you’ve got, folks, to bid on this “ABSTRACT MODERN GOD METAL ART WALL SCULPTURE RELIGIOUS.”
Now, I am puzzled. In a piece which bills itself as “abstract,” can you have a recognizable figure such as a cross?
I am relieved, however, to discover that the seller/artist has provided some helpful guidelines for buying art on eBay:
the artwork you acquire should provide you with visual satisfaction while retaining its value in the marketplace. there are two essential elements which allow artwork to retain or grow in value. first, the artist must be aggressively active in the global art industry and second, the artist must create robust, unique designs that will stand the test of time and exemplify their original techniques.
Gentle reader, you be the judge.
On second thought, maybe I’ll be the judge.
[Rating: 8.37 out of 100]