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Our latest episode of hypocrisy by those who are the most high strung over the predicted collapse of civilization due to “climate change,” (i.e., Al Gore taking limos and private jets), is our intrepid President Obama. He who is so concerned about carbon footprints and promoting “slow food” (locally produced) actually had a chef fly about 850 miles round trip just to make pizza. From the story:

Barack Obama liked a restaurant’s pizzas so much he has flown the chef 850 miles round trip to make some at the White House. The US President got a taste for Chris Sommers’ pizza while campaigning in St Louis, Missouri, last year. After Mr Obama’s election win, Chris offered to deliver frozen pizzas to the White House but was told he couldn’t because of security concerns.

So he took 20lb of dough and three gallons of sauce to Washington. Chris was due to cook lunch at the White House yesterday, reported He said: “It’s surreal. It’s a huge honour.”
An honor it was, indeed. But if President Obama really believed that taking unnecessary airline flights is a cause of global warming, he should have been consistent with his ideology and waited until business took him to St. Louis before getting that catered pizza. When in DC, he should use the local talent. There’s supposedly a planet to save, don’t you know.

Yes, this is a small matter. But with these guys it always seems to be, “Do as we say, not as we do.”

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