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I was honored to appear on Friday the 19th of September before the Connecticut Council on Developmental Disabilities, as part of its series on “Life Threatening Public Policy.” My presentation is a bit lengthy—more than an hour—during which I focus on human exceptionalism, human equality, universal human rights, bioethics, personhood theory, infanticide, the odious promotion of harvesting organs from the people with profound cognitive disabilities, futile care theory, and the duty to die.

If what I had to say is of interest, hit this link and listen in to the whole program, including comments about the series and introductory remarks. Thanks to all, particularly Ed Preneta of the CTCDD for hosting me (and for the beer), and to Dan Caley of the Rhode Island Developmental Disabilities Council for posting the presentation on-line. And special thanks to Jo Massarelli of the Social Role Valorization Implementation Project for making my several appearances last week in New England possible, and most especially for her and her colleagues’ concerted and selfless commitment to protecting the most weak and vulnerable among us.

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