It seems that Geert Wilders’ fifteen-minute film on the Qur’an, called Fitna , has a few nasty things to say about the Islamic text as well as some of the atavistic ideas imported into his country. So much so that it has caused the Netherlanderisherite government (I can never remember . . . . Continue Reading »
PETA kills stray animals, even some that are adoptable. Yet, we only see the rare protest from animal liberationists against that group. But when an Indian city decides that it must poison 100,000 stray—and in some cases rabid, dogs—the rightists are outraged. From the story:Officials in . . . . Continue Reading »
On Tuesday, March 11, at 7:30 p.m., Father Neuhaus will be speaking at the Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi in Metuchen, New Jersey, on “The Catholic as Citizen.” On Saturday, March 15, beginning at 10:30 a.m., he will be giving two Lenten recollections at the Philippine Pastoral . . . . Continue Reading »
An article in the Foreign Affairs by the former chief economist of the Venezualan National Assembly shows how the populist socialism of Hugo Chávez has hurt the very poor it was intended to help. A sample: Although opinions differ on whether Chávez’s rule should be . . . . Continue Reading »
The Schindler Family has, quite rightly in my view, concluded that it is almost impossible to obtain fairness and accuracy—or at least both at the same time—about Terri’s case and other issues such as Futile Care Theory and assisted suicide from the MSM. So, they are starting a . . . . Continue Reading »
A recruiting office was bombed in the early morning hours in Times Square today. Nobody was hurt. That means, according to the nonsense spouted by animal rights terrorism apologists, the bombing was merely a compassionate act of peaceful . . . . Continue Reading »
Marion Cotillard is a French actress who won some kind of award recently. I mention this because back in 2006 she gave an interview on French television (see the U.K. Telegraph story here ) in which she said about the September 11 terrorist attacks, “I think we’re lied to about a number . . . . Continue Reading »
So it seems B16 will argue that Luther wasn’t so much a heretic as he was . . . ahead of his time. I’m sure Herr Luther feels much better now. (And does this mean the Vatican wants its bull back? Good luck with that . . . ) By way of Paul McCain at Cyberbrethren. Update: Amy Welborn . . . . Continue Reading »
Intrepid readers of SHS will recall that I wrote about a study—based on interviews with family members—showing that some patients received lethal prescriptions before experiencing serious symptoms—out of worry about future potential pain or loss of dignity. This flies right in the . . . . Continue Reading »