Jack Kevorkian is running for Congress. From the story: Assisted suicide advocate Jack Kevorkian is planning to run for Congress in Michigan. Kevorkian is on parole since being released from prison last year.He tells The Oakland Press newspaper that he plans to run without party affiliation for the . . . . Continue Reading »
On February 25, we posted as the Daily Article an interview I conducted with Timothy Keller , author of the new bestseller The Reason for God . It was picked up by quite a few, mostly evangelical blogsites and has resulted in our being added to a hefty list of blogrollssomething we certainly . . . . Continue Reading »
According to this story in the U.K. Telegraph , Gordon Brown’s Labour government is set to push through Parliament a bill that would, among other things, “allow the creation of animal-human embryoscreated by injecting animal cells or DNA into human embryos or human cells into . . . . Continue Reading »
David Mamet has had a political conversion . . . of sorts. I remember an interview Mamet gave around the time Glengarry Glen Ross won the Pulitzer, to the effect that he found there to be many beautiful things about capitalism, which you would not have expected from the guy who seemed only to . . . . Continue Reading »
Well, all of the patents over ESCR held by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation have been upheld by the Patent Office. From the story: The rulings mean the foundation will continue to control primaryintellectual property rights to embryonic stem cell research in the United States. If that . . . . Continue Reading »
In case you’ve been asleep the last twenty-four hours, here’s the news: New York’s crusading populist Democratic governor, the once-high-flying Eliot Spitzer, has been identified as “Client Number Nine” in the indictment of an international prostitution ring. MSNBC is . . . . Continue Reading »
It’s hard to bring sex and mathematics together, but I like a challenge, and so I direct your attention to this story in the UK Telegraph about the changing sexual habits of the French. Yes, I know, other than for the math, who cares?but stick with me for a moment. The story describes a . . . . Continue Reading »
I am not a big fan of Katie Couric—but we do have thing in common: We have both had colonoscopies. I bring this rather personal matter up because this is is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. My father died of colon cancer and believe me, you don’t want the disease, and if you . . . . Continue Reading »
This is all the Schiavos wanted to do for Terri but were prohibited in an egregious injustice; take care of their daughter for as long as she or they lived. Kaye Obara loyally and lovingly cared for her daughter Edwarda for 38 years. From the story:She never broke her promise. Kaye O’Bara, who . . . . Continue Reading »