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I am sick of animal rights apologists stating that their “direct actions” aren’t violent. In Santa Cruz, the home of a scientist was invaded by masked activists because the scientist uses animals in cancer research. And there was a physical assault of a family member: From the story:

A UC Santa Cruz faculty member whose biomedical research using animals sheds light on the causes of breast cancer and neurological diseases was the target of an attack Sunday afternoon, reportedly by animal rights activists. UCSC Chancellor George Blumenthal confirmed late Monday that an off-campus home invasion by six masked intruders occurred at a faculty member’s home. In a statement, Blumenthal called the incident “very disturbing.”

Santa Cruz police reported that six people wearing bandanas tried to break into a Westside home just before 1 p.m., and that one of the family members, not the faculty member, was attacked before the intruders fled. The male victim had made sure his wife and children were safe in the back of the house before he confronted the attackers. He suffered minor injuries after being hit with an unknown object. None of the other four people in the house were injured.
Anyone who can’t see that invading a home is violence, and could easily lead to someone being killed—like if the homeowner has a gun and reasonably fears for his life—is just plain irrational. But animal rights is irrational.

So aplogists: Are you going to justify this crime as you have arson?

More on: Animal Rights

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