Last year the Center for Bioethics and Culture asked me to prognosticate about what would happen in the world of bioethics and biotechnology in 07. I did and now it is time to judge my future as an augur. I was right in 5 out of 8 predictions, to wit:
1. The Bush policy on federal funding of ESCR would be overturned: WRONGFor further explanation of the whys and wherefores, hit the above link that will take you to the CBC Newsletter.
2. More states will fund ESCR and human cloning research: RIGHT
3. Impasse at federal level to outlaw or legalizing human cloning would continue: RIGHT
4. More states and countries will outlaw the selling of human eggs: RIGHT
5. No new states or countries will legalize Physician Assisted Suicide: RIGHT
6. Texas law permitting futile care impositions will not be rescinded : RIGHT
7. Existing 10 days allowed to patients and families to find a new hospital will be extended as a compromise, probably to around 30 days: WRONG
8. The Supreme Court of the United States will overturn the partial birth abortion federal ban : WRONG