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Cloned Embryo in UK not an Embryo in US

The lack of candor and honesty by some cloning proponents in the U.S. demeans democracy. When it was announced that Ian Wilmut, the creator of Dolly the sheep, intends to create cloned embryos for use in research, the British press and some U.S. stories acknowledged that the “product” of . . . . Continue Reading »

Some Truth on Intelligent Design

As a proud senior fellow at the Discovery Institute, I am often attacked by my debating opponents as being part of a “creationist” think tank, the idea being that my secular-based advocacy about bioethics is really religion in disguise. This canard is a reference to Discovery’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Assisted Suicide Setback in Hawaii

To the best of my knowledge, there are four states threatened with legalized assisted suicide this year: Hawaii, California, Arizona, and Vermont. Good news from the Aloha State: A committee has turned thumbs down on legalization. It isn’t over yet, but it seems highly unlikely at this point . . . . Continue Reading »

The cloning crowd’s ability to denigrate adult stem cell research is quickly losing steam. Check out this report that bone marrow stem cells may be pluripotent and can grow heart cells. It’s not over yet, but all very encouraging. Indeed, I believe this cultural struggle will be won if . . . . Continue Reading »

I testified alongside Dr. David Prentice in Missouri yesterday urging support of legislation that would outlaw all human cloning in the “Show Me” state. Here is a pretty fair newspaper description of the event. The text of my presentation is available on my WEB site under . . . . Continue Reading »

New Article Available

For anyone interested: I have an extended article in the February AMERICAN SPECTATOR about cloning, biotechnology, and the anything goes mentality that is infecting the Science Establishment. It is not available on line at this . . . . Continue Reading »

Schiavo: A Victim of Process

I have been asked by several correspondents if I intend to write again on the Schiavo case. The answer is that I don’t know. What else is there to say that hasn’t already been written? Terri is the victim of a legal system that has become obsessed with legal process at the expense of . . . . Continue Reading »



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