The media is reporting that the Bush Administration is trying to overturn Oregon’s assisted suicide law in the Supreme Court. I wish. What is really at stake is the power of the federal government to enforce federal law uniformly in all fifty states. I describe the case in this article . . . . Continue Reading »
Two lawsuits have been filed against Proposition 71. True to form, most of the media zeroed in on the religious beliefs of some of the litigants. The media has decided that the cloning controversy is one of religion versus science, and nothing is going to knock them off that approach. But it seems . . . . Continue Reading »
Good news from Washington: The United States Supreme Court will rule next year on whether the Attorney General of the United States had the right to interpret the federal Controlled Substances Act as prohibiting the use of drugs regulated by the feds for use in assisted suicide on the basis that . . . . Continue Reading »
One would expect the St. Louis Business Journal to publish an editorial supporting Big Biotech’s desire to promote human cloning as a potential gargantuan profit-making technology in the fields of science and medicine. The editors are certainly entitled to their opinion. But what is so . . . . Continue Reading »
A UN special committee has recommended that the General Assembly of the United Nations pass a “declaration on human cloning by which Member States would be called on to prohibit all forms of human cloning inasmuch as they are incompatible with human dignity and the protection of human . . . . Continue Reading »
The San Francisco Chronicle asked me to debate California Assemblywoman Patty Berg on her bill to legalize assisted suicide in this state. Here is the published version of our . . . . Continue Reading »
Proposition 71 perpetrated one of the great corporate welfare scams of recent times. As a consequence, California, which is so broke its emergency rooms are closing and its senior citizen services are being cut, is going to BORROW $3 billion over ten years (not including interest) to pay fat cat . . . . Continue Reading »
The days when researchers “only” wanted to derive embryonic stem cells solely from embryos leftover from IVF treatments that were doomed to be discarded anyway, are long gone. Last year, New Jersey legalized human cloning, implantation of cloned embryos into wombs, and gestation through . . . . Continue Reading »
The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) knows that most educated people will ultimately reject their radical agenda of eliminating any and all use of animals by people. For example, PETA’s odious “Holocaust on Your Plate Campaign” explicitly connected eating meat . . . . Continue Reading »