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Suicide "Factory" Opens Next to Brothel

The assisted suicide group Dignitas has opened it’s killing house next to a brothel. From the story: The Swiss assisted suicide group Dignitas, which was evicted from itsflat in Zurich after complaints about bodies in the lift, has opened whatneighbours have labelled a ‘death . . . . Continue Reading »

When Comics Get Serious

. . . the results are often unintentionally funny. Here’s Ricky Gervais’ take on God in the most recent issue of Best Life . Look, Gervais the comic actor is a scream. The Office undoubtedly deserved the accolades it garnered (despite one or two errant episodes, in which tastelessness . . . . Continue Reading »

Get DNA of Children "Future" Offenders?

Brave New Britain just keeps getting Braver and Newer: Now there is a serious discussion of putting the DNA of children into a database because they might become future criminals. From the story: Primary school children should be eligible for the DNA database if they exhibit behaviour indicating . . . . Continue Reading »

Living with the Dead

A reminder, for those in the Washington area: I’ll be lecturing this Monday, March 17, at Georgetown University. Called “Living with the Dead: Why Cities Need Cemeteries and Nations Need Memorials,” the talk is at 7:00 pm in the ICC auditorium . Cosponsored by the Tocqueville . . . . Continue Reading »

A Short History of Atheism

M.Z. Hemingway, journalist/blogger extraordinaire at Get Religion , has written this handy reference tool , now available at Modern Reformation magazine. Yes, atheism is not only old, it’s decrepit, and the only things new in the new atheism are those bar-code thingies on the dust jackets. . . . . Continue Reading »

PETA and Porn

PETA has always used nudity, for example of Alicia Silverstone, to attract young people—read boys and men—to the cause. But now it has the services of a hard core porn “actress” pushing synthetic leather called “pleather,” with the clear allusion to . . . . Continue Reading »

The Return of the Bow Tie

With more panache than the four in hand tie and less foppery than the ascot, the bow tie stands as the golden mean of distinction in men’s neckwear. I started wearing bow ties in my freshman year of high school, and over the years I’ve encountered many people who were surprised that yes, the . . . . Continue Reading »

Why Would Anyone Become Anglican?

The Episcopal Church has come in for more than its share of bad press over the past few years/decades, and the Anglican Communion is quickly becoming a synonym for entropy. But there are still bastions of orthodoxy that unabashedly hoist the flag of traditional 39-Article Anglicanism as it reaches . . . . Continue Reading »



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