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The Bottomless Pit of Dutch Euthanasia

Not content with doctors killing the terminally ill, people with disabilities, the chronically ill, the depressed, and babies born with disabilities—not to mention the seriously ill who did not ask to be killed—the Dutch Parliament will now debate allowing doctors to euthanize the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Ellies

That is, the awards given to excellence in magazine (online and print) publishing by ASME (the American Society of Magazine Editors). Here are this year’s nominees . Like the Emmies, a lot of the same ole people giving the same ole people the same ole recognition. . . . . Continue Reading »

See Me Talk and Talk and Talk

I gave four hours worth of lectures last weekend at Trinity University Law School in Santa Ana and some kind blogger has posted the first two hours of video here. The blog entry reacting to my presentation, from a blog called “Jus Me Blogging” authored by a Christian disability rights . . . . Continue Reading »



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