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Living with ALS

Receiving a diagnosis of ALS is emotionally devastating and riding the usually fatal disease to the grave is an experience that tries men’s souls. But as I once heard Rabbi Harold Kushner (When Bad Things Happen to Good People) say in a speech, while there may not be a cure, there is always . . . . Continue Reading »

Stem Cell Reality Check

A big confab of Big Biotech bigwigs has resulted in some candor and a proper warning about the prospect of CURES! CURES! CURES! From the story: In an elegant hotel overlooking the Pacific Ocean, more than 30 of the world’s leading stem cell researchers gathered on Wednesday to strategize on . . . . Continue Reading »

Organ Surgeon Faces Felony Trial

That horrible case in San Luis Obispo, in which Dr. Hootan Roozrokh, an organ transplant surgeon is accused of attempting to hasten the death of Ruben Navarro, a dependent adult to harvest his organs, is going to trial. From the story: A judge dismissed two charges against a Bay Area transplant . . . . Continue Reading »

Brother Mikhail

Anyone who believes that nothing ever changes needs to be reminded of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the end of apartheid in South Africa—and maybe this . The former Soviet premier who introduced glasnost and perestroika to our political vocabularies (despite . . . . Continue Reading »

Obama and Economics

In his major speech about race earlier this week, Senator Obama talked about more than race. He also complained about the supposedly distressed circumstances of middle-class Americans by referring to “stagnant wages” and a “middle-class squeeze.” The idea that middle-class . . . . Continue Reading »

Paul Scofield

The actor who most famously portrayed Sir Thomas More in the classic A Man for All Seasons has died of leukemia at age 86 . From the encomia, Scofield will most probably be remembered by his peers more for his theater work than his film work, which was relatively sparse. I never had the chance to . . . . Continue Reading »



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