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This Scratches My Naderite Itch

Our hyper commercialization of science and medical research is both a great strength and a great weakness. The profit motive certainly stimulates innovation and risk, but it can also stymie advances that don’t fit easily into the prospective bottom line. And so I worry that universities, now . . . . Continue Reading »

Immortality and Other Aggravations

Having recently attended Jody’s Georgetown lecture on death and politics , I was primed for this Wired piece on Ray Kurzweil, who believes in AI, the singularity, and immortality. There’s all sorts of Skynet-ish goodness in the piece, but the most interesting (by which I mean . . . . Continue Reading »

The LCMS Mess

Mollie Ziegler Hemingway has a fine article in this morning’s Wall Street Journal , in which she addresses the precipitate cancellation of the popular Lutheran radio interview/news program Issues, Etc. by the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod’s board of communications. Mollie puts this . . . . Continue Reading »

Humans Can Smell Danger: My Dad Proved It

Scientists have conducted a study indicating that human beings can smell danger. From the story:Scientists found volunteers who were previously unable to differentiate between two similar scents learnt to tell them apart when given electric shocks alongside just one of them.They said the findings . . . . Continue Reading »

CIRM to Pay for Eggs?

The CIRM has a policy against buying eggs for cloning and other biomedical research. But...I warned a bit ago that some bioethicists and bioscientists were agitating to change that policy. Now, the new head of the CIRM, Alan Trounson, has apparently dropped hints that he would like to see eggs . . . . Continue Reading »

Machiavelli: Wise Guy

So, was the man whose name has become synonymous with political manipulation and ends = means duplicity merely a satirist ? Was Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince intended to be read for giggles rather than for counsel? Peter Constantine, winner of the PEN Translation Prize and a National . . . . Continue Reading »



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