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Holy Cow: "Cybrids" Manufactured in UK

Scientists in the UK claim to have made embryos using cow eggs and human DNA through SCNT. Although the work has yet to be verified via peer review, Newcastle scientists told the press that the embryos lasted three days. From the story: Embryos containing both human and animal material have been . . . . Continue Reading »

Egg "Donation" as Human Trafficking

My pal Jennifer Lahl, head of the Center for Bioethics and Culture, and anti-slavery activist Michele Clark, demonstrate one of the dehumanizing potential of human cloning research, and the danger that the demand for eggs required for massive cloning research could turn destitute women into so many . . . . Continue Reading »

Are Seal Pups Worth Risking Human Life?

The annual baby seal hunt is on and the protesters are out in force. I am personally ambivalent about the seal hunt. On one hand helpless animals are bludgeoned to death for their fur. On the other, the hunt supports families who would not otherwise be able to survive economically in a part of . . . . Continue Reading »



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